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When Is the 72-Hour DOT Check?

Written by Nick Webster

Published on Dec. 11, 2023, 3:11 p.m.


“When is the 72-hour DOT check?” is an excellent question that our organization receives from countless customers. The date for this check changes every year. In 2023, the 72-hour DOT check will occur from May 16 to May 18.

A 72-hour DOT check refers to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) International Roadcheck. It’s also called “DOT Week” or the “DOT Blitz.” The Roadcheck is an annual event that sees commercial vehicle inspections conducted across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Read here about Starting a Trucking Company Correctly.

For 72 hours straight, enforcement officials will perform up to 15 vehicle checks per minute—making this the largest targeted inspection of its kind in the world. So don't be surprised if you see more trucks pulled over on the side of the road during DOT Week! Ensure your vehicles comply with safety regulations so you can pass any roadside inspections. Learn here How to Prepare for a Compliance DOT Audit.

Tips To Prepare for the Annual DOT Roadcheck

Here are some tips to help you and your carrier prepare for the annual DOT road check, which is where the 72-hour DOT check will take place:

  • Ensure that you check the condition of your brakes, lights, and tires before the inspection.
  • Ensure all fluid levels are topped up, and all hoses are in good condition.
  • Inspect engine components, including air filters and spark plugs, for any potential problems.
  • Have records of recent maintenance activities readily available in case they are required.
  • Clean the interior and exterior of the truck to give it a professional appearance.
  • Have a valid commercial driver's license (CDL) and other necessary documents, such as proof of insurance or registration on hand.
  • Check with local authorities for any road closures that may affect your route to the inspection site. What is a DOT Audit?

What Is Blitz Week in Trucking?

Each year, the DOT performs an extensive three-day inspection of over-the-road equipment and drivers, forming part of its annual program. Known as “Blitz Week,” this period is a thorough review of vehicles and operators to ensure compliance with federal regulations. The term 'Blitz Week' may be misleading given its short time frame, but it's an important operation that helps keep our roads safe. Read about Texas DOT Numbers and USDOT Numbers.

Additionally, Blitz Week aims to provide carriers and drivers with an opportunity to identify any potential maintenance issues before they become safety hazards or cause downtime. Drivers and carriers should view Blitz Week as a chance to take proactive measures to ensure their vehicles are compliant and reliable. Learn here How to Prepare for a Compliance DOT Audit.

What Is DOT Week in Trucking?

DOT Week is a week dedicated to truck drivers and their safety. It's an event that's held annually by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). During DOT Week, commercial motor vehicle drivers are encouraged to participate in educational seminars, road checks, and other activities to promote safe driving practices.

The events of DOT Week can help reduce accidents on the road and make sure that everyone is following the rules of the road. So if you're a truck driver out there, make sure to mark your calendar for DOT Week every year! It's an essential event for any professional driver looking to keep themselves safe on the roads. Plus, it can help improve your overall score with FMCSA regarding inspections. What are the Top 3 DOT paper-appointed Violations?

Does DOT Week Affect Truckload Capacity?

You may be wondering, does DOT week really affect truckload capacity? The answer is yes—and it’s something you need to know about. Each year, the Department of Transportation requires that all drivers and commercial motor carriers must comply with annual inspections. As mentioned earlier, this is known as DOT Week. During this time, drivers are temporarily taken off the road while their vehicles are inspected. This process causes a shortage of available capacity in the market. How to Process BOC-3 Filing via our Agent.

There will be more demand than usual for trucks, yet fewer trucks will be on the road. This can cause delays and rate spikes that make it harder for shippers to meet their own deadlines, leading to logistical issues and other problems down the line. But do not despair. The key is to plan ahead so that you're not caught off-guard during DOT Week. Must Visit the link.

What Are Some Tips for Passing a DOT Check?

Consider implementing these tips to help you pass your DOT check:

  • Make sure your vehicle is in good condition. Check the brakes, lights, tires, and other features. Ensure all parts are working properly before getting inspected.
  • Have all of your paperwork in order. Gather insurance documents, registration cards, and any other important forms you may need to present during the check.
  • Clean your vehicle regularly. A clean car can make a good impression on DOT officers and lead to fewer Violations being issued.
  • Follow all local safety regulations and signs while on the road. This includes speed limits, traffic signals, turning regulations, etc. This way, you won’t risk getting pulled over for breaking the law or receiving tickets that could negatively affect your DOT inspection results.
  • Be polite to all DOT inspectors and employees. What is DOT Clearinghouse Enforcement?

What Is the CVSA?

Have you ever heard of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance? If not, here’s the scoop. The CVSA is an international non-profit organization that promotes commercial motor vehicle safety and security throughout North America by setting uniform standards and helping law enforcement officers enforce those standards. Visit DOT Authority Package; how to get an Oregon Trip And Fuel Permit?

The CVSA works with different organizations like the Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and others to create best practices for roadside inspections and help keep our roads safe. So if you're a commercial driver out there, just know that the CVSA has your back! Must visit FMCSA Hours of Service Suspended topics.

How Can Carriers Make DOT Week a Success?

Here are some ideas to help your carrier make DOT Week with the 72-hour check a huge success:

  • Create incentives for employees to adhere to DOT regulations and safety guidelines.
  • Celebrate those who have gone above and beyond in their roles as carriers.
  • Provide educational materials on the key topics of DOT week, such as distracted driving, drug use prevention, safety inspections, etc.
  • Ensure all staff is aware of the importance of following DOT regulations by providing informational sessions or seminars during that week.
  • Encourage a culture where compliance with laws and regulations is considered an essential part of success.
  • Use technology to create automated reminders from the Department of Transportation (DOT) about upcoming deadlines.
  • Invite transportation industry representatives to speak at events during DOT Week about specific compliance-related areas. Tips to prepare for 2023 DOT Week filings in minutes.

Summary: The 72-Hour Check by the DOT

Listed below are some critical points about the DOT’s 72-hour check to remember. If you have any questions about the 72-hour check, DOT week, the DOT Blitz, or anything else, do not hesitate to contact our organization. Also, visit the link.

  • The exact dates for the 72-hour DOT check change every year.
  • In 2023, the check will occur from May 16 to May 18.
  • A 72-hour DOT check refers to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) International Roadcheck.
  • Other names for the Roadcheck include DOT Week and the DOT Blitz.
  • For 72 hours straight, enforcement officials will perform up to 15 vehicle checks per minute.
  • Prepare for the check by making sure your vehicle and carrier are in compliance with all DOT regulations.
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